Rhythms After Loss for Improving Suicide Risk in Elders

What is RISE?

RISE is a research study aimed at understanding the relation between social connections, circadian rhythms, and mental health after the loss of a spouse or life partner. Using digital monitoring and motivational health coaching, we hope to encourage a regular routine of sleep, meals, and social activity. Over the course of 12 weeks, you will build “My Lifestyle Log”, which gives real-time feedback about your 24-hour rhythm of sleep, meals, and social activity. You will also complete 7 assessments while you are in the study. These appointment will include measurements of your mood, health, and well-being.

Our Purpose

The University of Pittsburgh is doing a research study to learn about how people take care of themselves after they have lost their spouse or life partner.

This study will help us figure out if paying more attention to things you do for your health might help you cope with the loss of a partner. In other words, if we monitor what things you do for your health, will it help you process this loss? Will it help your health?

Being in this study may also help if you are feeling sad or struggling with your mood.

What to Expect

To See if you are a good fit for this study, we would like to talk with you on the phone briefly and do a virtual or in-person visit.

Wearing an Activity Watch

We will ask you to wear an activity watch, which measures your sleep and activity, 7 times (for a week) during certain times over the course of the study.

Healthy Rhythms Program

The digital health program takes place over the course of 3 months and involves wearing an actigraphy watch; using an online diary to track your sleep, meals, and activity; speaking with a health coach weekly; and completing 2 check-ins at Month 1 and Month 2.